Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Day 20

Day 20, originally uploaded by emberangel.

On the way home from work, it started to snow and despite the dark weather, the fact that I couldn't use the flash, I couldn't change the settings, and couldn't stop and leave the car... I ended up with this... which I actually love.
We were stopped at a stop light when I took this and to me it has this sort of old school charm. It almost looks like a photo from when my parents were my age. I like the color too.. it just looks cold. I thought about sharpening the photo so that you could see that there was actually some snow falling, but I didn't like it as much. I added some vignetting to the photo because it seemed fitting.
But snow sucks when you have to go home in it... I am just glad I wasn't driving. It took us double the time to get home because we were going about 20 miles on the freeway. Then we got down the hill and it started to rain, so we went a whole 40 miles an hour.
But it was cool.. gave me about an hour to watch the snow and attempt to take pictures.

On an unrelated side note... today my dad was watching me take pictures and he said "I can tell you are a good photographer by the way you take pictures." hehe. my daddy thinks I'm good. Then again he often tells me I'm a good singer. I'm decent at that but a long way from good.

1 comment:

  1. Love the photograph and that looks very cold. Guess which way the wind blows the most, I love the way the tree has grown.

